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Soundwaves of Survival: Echocardiography's Role in Peri-Arrest Care
Leen Alblaihed, MBBS, MHA
Leen Alblaihed, MBBS, MHA
Must-Know Conditions with Right Axis Deviation
Ali Farzad, MD
Ali Farzad, MD
Landscapes of Syncope
Susy DeMeester, MD
Susy DeMeester, MD
Sick AF: Atrial Fibrillation in Critical Illness
Semhar Tewelde, MD
Semhar Tewelde, MD
Third Time's NOT the Charm?! Management of Electrical Storm
Rohit Menon, MD
Rohit Menon, MD
Let's Get You Home! The One Troponin Rule Out
Maite Huis in 't Veld, MD
Maite Huis in 't Veld, MD
Panel Discussion with Q&A from the audience and live chat
Please contact
Doreen Lucadamo, CMP, DES, HMCC
Senior Program Coordinator, Courses/Conferences
dlucadamo@som.umaryland.edu ♦ Phone: 443-562-8630
University of Maryland School of Medicine ♦ Department of Emergency Medicine
110 S. Paca Street, Sixth Floor, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21201